What Could Be Worse Than Trump Not Listening To His Generals And Intelligence Chiefs?
Not Listening To His Scientists.
This one’s pretty simple: according to a joint report out this week by climate scientists at NOAA, which stands for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and is part of the Commerce department, and NASA, which Trump claims to love, last year was the 4th hottest for the planet in history. Just look at the map at the top of this piece.
Only the 4th hottest? That’s not too bad, right? Only the other hottest years were 2016, 2015, and 2017, in that order. You seeing a pattern? That’s good, because Trump isn’t.
As we noted Tuesday night while Trump spent 20% of his speech on illegal alien invaders, he made not one mention of climate change. It’s the “State of the Union”! That’s where Presidents typically brag on their accomplishments for the past year, and display their vision for the next. But, nothing.
Not even a nod to his mocking Tweet asking “What the hell is going on with global warming? Please come back fast, we need you!” last week when the Midwest was in a deep freeze. But after all, it was 73o in Washington on the day of Trump’s address. In early February.