Trump Celebrates “Great Midterm Election“ By Taking It Out On Reporters…

…And Politicians Who Didn’t Embrace Him

Eric J Scholl


In an extraordinarily contentious news conference he held before the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump characterized the midterm results as “very close to complete victory” for himself and Republicans.

But rather than exulting in what he characterized as a resounding win (even though his party lost control of the House of Representatives), he came across as cranky and unhinged, lashing out repeatedly at reporters. Trump got most heated during an exchange with CNN’s Jim Acosta, who was asking him about the migrant “caravan” that played such a big part in Trump’s campaign season messaging. Following the exchange, the White House yanked Acosta’s credentials, claiming he placed his hands on a White House intern.

Here’s an extended look at what transpired. See if you agree with the White House’s statement that Acosta was the aggressor. (Click on the photo to play):

If you want more, clicking here will take you to video of the entire news conference.



Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"