Mr. President, At Least Tell Us How You’re Going To Protect People With Pre-existing Conditions

Actually, in a recent Executive Order he kind of does, and it’s not good.

Eric J Scholl
6 min readOct 27, 2020


Trump’s long-awaited health plan doesn’t seem likely before Election Day, but we could at least expect some clarity on that one pledge, right?

This newsletter has existed just about as long as Trump’s Presidency, and the earliest reference we could find to Trump saying his health care plan is ready-to-go took us back to a Washington Post story about a phone call with the President on January 14, 2017. In which the President referred to “nearing completion of a plan”, to replace Obamacare, he said then. On January 15, 2017!

So when the President signs and then touts an Executive Order last month saying that people with pre-existing conditions will be protected, we don’t think it’s too much to expect an answer to the question: How?

Let’s look at the Executive Order itself. Signed by the President on September 24 of this year. Surely there’s something in there. Starts out saying he’s all about:

[B]ringing great healthcare to the American people and putting patients first.”



Eric J Scholl
Eric J Scholl

Written by Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"

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