How Do You Figure Out What Medications Might Be Most Effective At Fighting COVID-19? And Fast!

What lies beyond hydroxychloroquine…?

Eric J Scholl
5 min readMay 20, 2020


We all know by now the President says he’s trying out hydroxychloroquine, because he feels the malaria drug might be good for protection against COVID-19. And while the President is rightly criticized for continuing to flog it as a “magic bullet”, based on his gut, that doesn’t mean looking into whether it might be effective wasn’t worth a shot. As long as it’s not to the detriment of the development of other treatments out there which might be more effective.

Because most likely, any near-term chance of a treatment, prophylactic or remedy will come from an unintended use of an already existing drug. No doubt, it’s much easier to make, distribute and prescribe a drug that already exists for something else, than to develop a new one, which would require several levels and probably years (usually more than 10 years) of development and testing to make sure that both:

  1. It works.
  2. It’s safe for humans to take.

According to the FDA, there are right now in the U.S.:

“Over 20,000 prescription drug products approved for marketing”.



Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"