Go Ahead And Tell Your Truth, I’m Listening…

Trump is repeating his lie about the election over and over again.

Eric J Scholl
4 min readNov 22, 2020


Lying is something for which he’s got a special talent. Not because he’s a good liar. He’s not. But what he is good at is repeating his lie over and over and over again.

Until it becomes the only thing you hear. Whether it’s in the context of people believing it’s true, or debunking it, or just saying “can you believe what he just said?” It’s never a good look, especially when he’s making BS up in the interest of supporting only him, even if it destroy Democracy in the process. But for some infuriating reason it sometimes works for him.

So then, even the majority of Americans, who don’t believe even an ounce of what the President is dishing out — as well they shouldn’t — the ever heightening barrage might still be having an impact: leading us to wonder at times what’s real in our own daily lives, and what’s not.

Especially against the backdrop of a deadly virus that’s still raging and has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Potential treatments and vaccines are being dangled in front of us now, which is good news. But unless you’re the President, those paths back to normalcy are something most of us still won’t have access to for some months.



Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report" www.thechaosreport.com