Cover of House Intelligence Committee’s Report

Finally A “Smoking Gun”, Sort Of…

It’s in the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report

Eric J Scholl
4 min readDec 4, 2019


Here’s a link to the full 300-page report, should you care to peruse…

And it details something we hadn’t known before: just who Trump’s personal Attorney Rudy Giuliani was calling on the phone, and also when, and with what frequency, and for how long.

We say “sort of” because it’s really (at least at this point) a “smoking gun” on Giuliani, not directly on Trump. And they’re only call records, not recordings, so we have no idea about what Giuliani may have discussed on those calls. Especially since the recipients of Giuliani’s calls have refused, so far, to testify publicly. (Although other witnesses have filled in a lot of the blanks.) Anyway, the fact that Giuliani made these calls with such overwhelming frequency, on such key dates, to such central players, make it almost impossible for defenders of Trump to assert they’re in any way legit.

Much has been made about someone Giuliani called a bunch, identified in the report only as “-1”. Could that be the President? Even if it is, it would be the easiest to explain away. Giuliani is Trump’s personal lawyer. Of course he would be calling Trump. Probably all the time for all kinds of reasons. (Which of course Giuliani was quick to point out himself, on…



Eric J Scholl

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"