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Despicable Beats Sucks
Lessons learned from the U.K. election, in which a blustery, lying buffoon (sound familiar?) seems to have won handily…
The BBC asks: “Does U.K. election hold clues to Trump’s fortunes?”
We’ll answer that. Don’t run someone against Trump who sucks.
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson appears to have deeply solidified his hold on the Conservative Party, the “Tories”, and the nation. With pretty much bigger numbers than anyone expected.
His main opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn proved to be one of the worst candidates ever. Proof? He lost ground in an election where even if his party didn’t win, or didn’t gain ground, no way should’ve lost as much as it did. With such big interest. And turnout. And so much at stake. Instead, it was the worst showing for Labour since 1935. 1935!
Corbyn pissed everybody off, which sometimes works as a strategy. But not if you put a greasy layer of smug and arrogant on top of that. When some humility and foresight might’ve been in order. He’s not a guy you want to have a beer with. He’s the kind of guy you leave the bar when he comes in to avoid the possibility he might come up and start talking to you.